Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Devotional readings 041211

Dear brothers and sisters, Good morning. I have been reading the book of Isaiah for my personal devotion while I was traveling in China. The Prophet was called to ministry during a critical time in his country. In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne (Isaiah 6:1)… It was during a major transition in the political arena of his country that Isaiah saw the throne of God in his vision. God chose to call His people to serve Him while the environment was most unstable and fearful. Nobody knew what the future might hold when a king died. Was the king murdered or died of natural cause? Could the new king provide political stability for the country? Would enemies take advantage of the transition to attack our country? It was during the most unstable time of his life that Isaiah heard the calling of God, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” Isaiah immediately said, “Here am I. Send me!” We are in a unstable and fearful time too. Natural disasters and political uprising in the Middle East are upsetting people all over the world. None can tell what the future may hold for us. Will the economy recover? Will the environment be contaminated by nuclear radioactivity from Japan? It is during this time of turmoil that we should focus more on the throne of God instead of on our environment. Instead of figuring out a backup plan to secure our future, it may be time to listen to what God have in mind for our world today. God for sure has a plan for this historical moment of time. He has a plan for His church and definitely a plan for His people like you and me. The question is whether His people are willing to listen to Him and answer His call. It is usually during the most difficult time in life that people will be more in tune to God. In helpless desperation people turn to God for a way out. God uses this moment to call people to repent and bring awakening to people’s souls. But whom shall God send? And who will go for God to fulfill His plan? I pray that God will raise up a new generation of Kingdom workers to meet this challenge. Indeed, a revival is going on among the college students and young professionals in China today. Many came to know the Lord, and many dedicated themselves to serve Him in whatever capacity. God is going to bless the world through them. And you can be a channel of His blessings for the world too! Listen and focus on His throne… Share in His precious love with you, Lawrence

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