Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Graduation Celebration

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thanks for your loving support. I celebrated my graduation on 4/30. When I looked back, it was indeed an amazing journey to finish my doctoral program in 15 months. I could never imagined myself doing so in the beginning. I had planned to finish within 4 years, or the shortest two and a half. But by God's grace, I finished early. One of the possible factors that might contribute to this accomplishment was my journal writing. Since I have developed this jorunaling habit for over 20 years, this might help in putting my thoughts on writing as I wrote my papers and dissertation. Morover, journaling also helps in concentration. This is a discipline that enables me to articulate my thoughts and interaction with the Holy Spirit. So, let me encouage you to do the same.

I will depart for Africa tomorrow morning. Please remember us in your prayer. This is an exploration trip to cover 3 countries (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania) in Eastern Africa. Since 4 of us are traveling without a guide, we count on the Holy Spirit to protect and provide us. Our field director waits for us in Uganda. We hope to establish a non-profit organization in that part of the world. Please pray for wisdom as I will contact some government official and legal professional in exploring this possibility. Once we become a registered organization in Uganda, it will become a platform for us to apply visa for future M workers into Africa.

I will not be able to write during this whole trip. I pray that God will continue to motivate you to draw close to Him each day for your own growth and nurishment.

Love you in Christ,
